
What Material Is The Best For Choosing Pixiu?

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Pixiu statues, often recognized for their auspicious qualities in traditional Chinese culture, are believed to bring wealth, protection, and positive energy to their owners. These mythical creatures come in various materials, each carrying its unique symbolism and benefits. In this blog, we will explore the different materials used for Pixiu statues and how to choose them.

Jade Pixiu:

Jade has held a special place in Chinese culture for millennia, representing longevity, purity, and prosperity. Pixiu statues carved from jade, including materials like Hetian jade, nephrite, and jadeite, are highly regarded for their elegance and connection to the natural world. Jade’s molecular structure resonates with human cells, potentially enhancing circulation, cell regeneration, and overall well-being. Jade Pixiu serves to calm the restless heart, uplift moods, and purify the mind.

Crystal Pixiu:

Crystal Pixiu, crafted from materials like quartz, boasts a dynamic aura due to its intricate molecular structure and its long association with cosmic energies. Yellow crystal Pixiu, often called the “stone of wealth,” signifies wisdom, joy, peace, and friendship. It helps maintain a balance between rationality and emotion, fostering confidence and self-awareness. Yellow crystal Pixiu is especially known for its ability to attract wealth and abundance.

Jadeite Pixiu:

Jadeite, known as the “emperor of jade,” is packed with beneficial trace elements that subtly influence the body and mind. Coming mainly from Myanmar, jadeite Pixiu statues hold spiritual significance due to their origin in a region known for its strong Buddhist connections. Combining jadeite Pixiu with crystal or red agate bracelets amplifies its potential benefits, enhancing both physical and spiritual well-being.

Charcoal Carving Pixiu:

Charcoal, due to its exceptional absorption properties, has been utilized for environmental purposes and is now embraced for its symbolic ability to attract wealth. Charcoal carving Pixiu statues serve as functional décor items that harmonize interior spaces while also promoting financial gains.

Wooden Pixiu:

Wooden Pixiu statues cater to a wider audience, offering affordability without compromising symbolism. However, the choice of wood matters; precious woods like agarwood or rosewood are preferred. These statues align with individuals lacking the fire element in their Chinese zodiac, ensuring a balanced energetic profile.

Metal Pixiu:

Metal Pixiu statues, fashioned from metals such as gold, silver, and copper, are often used as feng shui ornaments. Copper Pixiu is particularly potent due to its strong energetic qualities. While myths about metal Pixiu “consuming” themselves are unfounded, consecrating these statues is essential.

Glass Pixiu:

Glass Pixiu statues have gained popularity due to their tactile nature and vibrant appearance. However, caution is necessary, as some unscrupulous vendors may use resin instead of authentic glass. Genuine glass Pixiu can enhance energy flow, especially for those lacking the fire element.


Pixiu statues, regardless of the material they are crafted from, carry symbolic value and hold the potential to enhance various aspects of one’s life. Whether it’s the elegance of jade, the mystique of crystals, or the earthiness of wood, each Pixiu statue material offers a unique blend of symbolism and energy that can enrich your surroundings and life journey. 

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